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Your organization and security challenges are unique, and our security operations are built to fit your distinctive needs.

Not Just Security . . .
Active Threat Response

5ironCyber solutions were created because active response makes the difference between an event and something worse. Simply monitoring, alerting, and “recommending” are not enough. Our team of cybersecurity experts stand in the gap between your organization and the threat actors intent on doing you harm.

A Brief History . . .

Today’s threat landscape is constantly changing, and organizations are working diligently to increase their security posture and prevent attacks. Even so, there are often gaps that concern the stakeholders yet can’t seem to be addressed. Often a single platform offers to solve all of the security problems with one “magic bullet,” only to find out that while it might solve one problem, it doesn’t solve another . . . more gaps. Plus, with more platforms, you need more expertise—expensive, hard to find, expertise.

As a result, security providers are moving to automate everything simply to maximize their profits, whether it better defends your organization or not. Who is ultimately looking out for you?

5ironCyber is Built Different. We use disciplined, consistent security operations built around critical human thinking and proven, cross-discipline processes to effectively defend your organization from cyber threats. Working as an extension of your team, we provide monitoring, management and active response—24/7. Our operational platform and security personnel combine to pinpoint specific actionable information about security events and then act on this information to contain the threat.

What’s In A Name?

One of the questions people often ask is “what does 5iron stand for?” It is a fair enough question. 5iron stands for many things—and that, in essence, is where the name came from. A favorite verse from the Bible, Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron – so one man sharpens another” is one of our guiding principles. We believe our services should always leave the client in a better position than we found them. Likewise, we believe that no man is an island unto himself, and a wise man is one who surrounds himself with other wise men to live a lifetime of continual “sharpening”.

Also, as avid golf fans there is a double-meaning for us. We have had people tell us the 5iron is the “Club by which all others are measured.” Everyone knows exactly how far they hit their 5iron and then simply translate distance to the other clubs. We strive to be an organization “by which all others are measured.”

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